Vital Energy - The Source of all Creation

The Energy of Life flows all around us. It flows though and binds every living thing. It is known by many names, including:

Vital Energy
The Light
Universal Life Energy
Mind Energy
The Source
The Holy Spirit
The Creator
Chi (chinese)
Prana (hindu)
Ka (egyptian)
Oki (american indian)
Elima (nikundo)
The Force
The God Force
Spirit Force
Astral Energy
The Universal Mind
The Flow
Ki (japanese)
Mana (kahuna)
Pneuma (greek)
Odic Power
Numia (paracelus)
The Power
The Divine Spark
Conscious Energy
The Collective Consciousness
Healing Energy
The Will of God
Psychic Energy
Bio Plasmic Energy (russian)
Jesod (jewish)
The X Power
The Fifth Element

This element is pure energy. It is responsible for the creation of everything we know to exist. It is aliveness. It is consciousness. It cannot be created or destroyed - but transmutes into many forms. It is the God force; the creator of all; we as humans are made from it and consume it in order to remain alive. It is the wind and the waves. It is the heavens above. It is all!

Now these are bold statements, so lets start at the beginning and see if we can't get to the bottom of this mystery. Where does this 'vital life element' come from? Where is it, and why do we need it? Hopefully, after reading though this introduction, you will understand just how this jigsaw fits together and this will give you a foundation we can build on as we explore the powers of the universe.

The Power
So this energy is all around us eh? How do we know? Well, scientists have been exploring how things works for many years. Recently they realised that everything we see has been constructed from often quite complex patters of atoms, molecules, photons and electrons. When we arrange these elements in patterns, they create 'objects'; solids, liquids, gases, and even things smaller and finer than gases, like light waves, and other elements we cannot see of feel but we know are there. The tighter these 'building blocks' are arranged, the more solid the object will be. Rocks have very tightly packed atomic patterns, while gases have their atoms arranged so far apart that we can barely detect them with our simple human senses. But what are atoms anyway? In the 1940's and 50's, scientists tried to find out what an atom is by cutting one in half. Boom! The lab they were working in blew apart with the force of all the energy contained within just one single atom. In recent times, this theory has lead to some of the most destructive killing machines man has ever had the misfortune to invent. At a basic level then, 95% of an atoms is a pure; and as yet un-scientifically identified; element which we will simply call Energy. All things atomic have this Energy at the core of their existence, but as we shall see later on, even non-atomic 'existence' are also made from the same stuff. It's everywhere!

The Creator
Wow, that's a lot to take in isn't it. So lets go slowly on this one and take a small step first of all. Everything you see is made of atoms and energy. The atoms aren't static - they are moving!, and they wobble and vibrate from the radiation of the Energy within them. Take a look around you now... Yes, leave this book for a second and just glance around you. Imagine everything you see is made from the same substance moulded into various colours, shapes and sizes. Although you can't see it, imagine a glowing light surrounding everything as well - the power radiating from the energy within all things - just like the light glowing from a lightbulb or the Sun. Can you imagine? That's right - if you chopped your computer up down to atomic pieces, on atom would contain enough Energy to destroy your whole town, or city, and beyond! Pretty mind blowing eh?. Well it's true! If atoms are the building blocks of creation, then Energy is the clay from which these blocks are made. The mystics were right when they said 'we are all but clay', everything is! Air, Water, Earth and Fire are all but atomic structures and patterns of Energy. Lets look at it another way...

The Life Force/The Healing Force/Reiki
Energy is the creator, and all living things need plenty of it, and regularly, in order to maintain life. We know, for example, that humans breath in air to survive. Why? Because our bodies need to replenish their levels of Energy as often as possible in order to keep the blood, the organs, the bones and the brain fuelled and in operation - and absorbing Energy from oxygen atoms is a very easy way for us to do it. The body also absorbs Life Energy from all kinds of places: through the food we eat, liquids we drink, and also directly though our skin and through the Chakras. Foods contain what we call vitamins, minerals and amino acids - but what these really are are different forms of the same Energy. Now the body isn't all that great as absorbing food energy. In fact, it can take hours to absorb what we need from a single meal. But the body is better at absorbing energy from air, and so we breath in and out far more regularly than we take in food. It is not the Oxygen we need, but the Energy latent within it. Without it we couldn't survive. But not only air contains Energy, all gases contain it; trees for example breath in carbon dioxide, and some plants and animals are perfectly happy breathing in all kinds of gases the human body cannot absorb.

The Flow
If you can understand this, take another look around you... Imagine this time that the glow you saw around all 'solid' objects is in the air as well. And yes, if you see any liquids around you, know that they also contain Energy - they are made from the same fine atoms, only in a different pattern. Even beyond that, the Forces of gravity, light, sound, magnetism (even Karma) are all just patterns (forces) of energy. Everything is Energy! In fact, the Energy in everything is so fine that it can pass through things. It flows though everything - slowly though solids more quickly though less-solid material. Just imagine the whole universe is covered under a blanket of Energy - or that it flows through everything like some vast unseen ocean all around us. So not only does Energy create everything - the clay of the universe - it also binds and connects everything together as it infinitely covers and flows though all things. If it makes things easier, imagine it spanning though the universe (and beyond) like a vast Web or Matrix. It is true that Energy often follows direct pathways to get to where it is needed (like the meridian lines in the body, or lay lines on the Earth), but in fact, Energy flows everywhere and fills the spaces between these 'lines' enough to create a constant blanket effect. (N.B. Whether you see it as a Web or Blanket depends on how you look at it. Both are true.)

The Source
Whoa! Now we're really cooking! You're making good progress my friend. Lets take a breather and recap what we've discussed to far. Alright... So, everything is, at it's basic level, pure energy - the vital energy matter of the universe. If flows everywhere and through everything - covering the whole universe like a blanket. It is the substance of creation; - and just like bricks or clay, it can be shaped and moulded into whatever it needs to be. And so everything is made from the stuff. Everything! No matter how big or small. No matter how simple or complex. And it connects and binds everything together like drops within an ocean, or connections inside a matrix. Pheww! What a lot of information to take in. Luckily, your over the worst of it now. These are the biggest concepts to understand, and everything else is the cherry on the cake. If you understand all this, then it will provide a very solid base on which all other spiritual matters can be built on. Are you ready to explore Vital Energy a little further?

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Mind Energy
Put simply, vital energy is reality. It flows everywhere and though everything, and solidifies into the shapes we see all around us in the physical, astral and even mental worlds. Yes, even thoughts are Energy! Energy flows to our head as we use our bio-electrical brains to think - and the same energy flows out again carrying our thought forms with it. That's how we can pick up psychic images and messages - we tune into the flowing Energy all around us. Now this is actually quite a complex philosophy to describe, and in not essential for you to understand, but here a few demonstrations. Many people have reported Out-Of-Body experiences in which they are consciously aware and able to think outside of the body and brain. Near Death Experiences also confirm this is possible - and so do Astral Protectors, and mystics involved with dream research, who all seem to agree what our consciousness leaves the physical body during sleep. If the mind relied on the brain to exist, non of these would be possible. We can also project our thoughts towards others - they do not travel along lines of Vital Energy - they are Vital Energy - it's the same stuff!

The Divine Spark
Vital energy is also alive! It is the basic element of 'aliveness' itself, and as it comes together to build the shapes of the universe, it creates vessels and vehicles with are structured to hold amounts of Energy within them. Vessels which use this stored Energy to power Bio-Electro-Chemical parts within themselves what we know as 'life-forms'. Since Vital Energy provides the spark of life - and is essentially pure aliveness - we could take this a step further and say everything in existence is actually alive. Some objects can hold and harness this 'aliveness' more than others, but since Vital Energy passes though everything, then everything holds some kind of aliveness within it. Even rocks, even buildings, even the Earth itself - is alive! Now this is another one of those mind-blowing concepts which even now science has yet to prove; but which mystics and gurus have known for thousands of years. Does that mean your car is alive? Your TV? Your computer? Well yes, to some degree they are. Some people believe that because they have 'Alive Energy' flowing within them then they too are in fact alive. Others think that the Energy contained within them simply affects their behaviour. Either way, the philosophy stays the same - they are vessels, they are built from the clay of Vital Energy, they have Vital Energy flowing through them. And, as we are about to find out, they also have consciousness within them too! Now that's amazing!

Conscious Energy
This is tuning into quite a mind opener isn't it? I know I'm simplifying this argument quite a bit to give you a little insight into how things work, but essentially the basics are there. Everything in existence is Vital Energy! Not just in this physical universe, but also the astral and what we like to call the 'heavenly' realm as well - it's all pure living energy. But Vital Energy can also be described as something else as well - consciousness. Where does this faculty came from? Scientists have puzzled over this for many a long year - the truth is that, as well as aliveness, Vital Energy is also Consciousness. To begin with, all living things are in fact conscious. Plants and Animals, Microbials, even Viruses. Recent studies on Plants (Re:'The Secret Life of Plants') have proven that Plants are conscious creations - who can remember (Mind Energy is again not related to a brain), and make decisions based on their interaction with the environment. If Plants are conscious, then Animals must be too. But is Plants are conscious without a brain, where does it come from? Have a guess! Even if all life is not inherently biologically conscious, since Vital Energy flows through everything in existence - and Vital Energy is Consciousness - then consciousness flows within every creation. Yes, even your TV. Again, this is quite a concept to accept, so don't worry if you don't find evidence to support it right away - you will!

The Force
Just how does this energy, which flows around us all - just waiting to be used to build things with - how does it actually 'create' things? Is there a God force which actively manipulates things into place? I believe there is; along with Spirits and Angels, and all kinds of 'beings' of all shapes and sizes that work behind the scenes to keep the show running. But often I think things are a lot simpler than that. According to Newtons laws of Physics, energy cannot be created or destroyed. It is a constant, which divides and regroups as it transmutes from one place to another. So what happens to it? Lets take a simple example. Imagine you are now in a tool shed holding a hammer in your hand. If you were to use the hammer and bash a nail on the head, you would be taking away some of the latent energy from within your body to pick up the hammer and bring it down onto the nail. The Energy taken from your body is roughly the same force which hits the head of the nail (give or take the effect of gravity). So what happens then? Some of this same energy force is absorbed by the nail and the material surrounding it. Some Energy pushes the nail into the material. And the rest is blown into the air in all directions - we hear it as a Bang!. The air then takes on these vibrations and they are lost within it. Transmutation in action. Energy is taken though a process and evolves into other form; and this is how most creations manifest into existence - one force reacting with another - again, the proven scientific theory of action and reaction (cause and effect).

Vital Energy
Have you ever walked into a room after someone has been arguing or fighting in there? You may pick up an 'atmosphere' - the harsh words are still hanging in the air - and these negatively Energies hang around until they are absorbed into the walls or released through a window. Remember, Vital Energy comes though our mouths as sound, and comes out our body as a conscious feeling. Anything which absorbs this Energy will also absorb the 'feelings' contained within it. A house will retain the negative feelings of arguments and upheaval long after the events have taken place. An old house can tell many stories - the walls literally remember! You may also be able to pick up more pleasant energy vibrations inside a church or meditation room where groups of people sing or think positive thoughts - sending out all those Good Vibrations. You may feel it as soon as you walk into the room; as if it flows right through your body and uplifts your whole being. Do you ever get that feeling? Well that's just how it works. Another simple example is Love itself. We can feel the positive energy being sent out by someone who loves us, even if they are in the next room! The closer we come to these people, the more directly we are able to absorb and feel the conscious Energy they are sending out. Can you see how the energy which was once in one place can react and flow in some way into some other form? The Energy of a tree is transmuted into a table or chair. A growing living organism takes the energy from the air, from food, and from all around to build and maintain a body. Water is absorbed into the air and rains down to create lakes and rivers. Mountains grow and crumble. These creations aren't manipulated directly by higher powers, or by a God, but flow graciously between one form and another in their ever changing existence. They are, however, created using the clay of the God Force - of Vital Energy. And it is important to realise that negative energy can be transmuted and restored as positive. It's all possible.

Light, Love & Metta
This explanation is rather long isn't it. But then, this is quite a many-faceted diamond we are looking at. It changes its appearance depending on how you look at and apply it. I hope I have gone some way towards describing the 'Dark Matter' which science has been blindly searching for with strong magnifiers for too many years. But there is one label we have not looked at yet. The Light? Well, because Vital Energy is alive with its own vibrant power, to perceive it, it would appear to us as a Light or Radiance. That was quite easy. No, I'm talking about Love. Love (or Metta as it may be called by some) is the feeling we get as we allow amounts of Vital Energy into our bodies. It is a pleasant feeling of reassurance, of trust, of belonging, of warmth, of peacefulness, of kindness. These are just a selection of the words I could use to describe how it feels to be bathed in Vital Energy. The common theory on Love is that it comes from the Heart. In fact, the Heart organ is the most sensitive part of the body, and so we feel the effects of Love there. We can also use this centre to transmit the force from within us towards something we care for. Animals feel Love too for they are more in tune with Vital Energy, and allow it to flow freely without all those Human hindrances to block it. Dogs and Cats can easily express this 'unconditional' Love, but all Animals can feel it and show it - especially to their offspring. But yet again, it is Vital Energy - and so it flows everywhere. You may feel it flowing in nature simply by taking a walk. It is in Plants, Trees, Rivers, Clouds and Mountains. These creations do not have a Heart - but you can still feel the Love flowing through them.

Heaven/The God Force
This conscious element, which is present everywhere and is connected to everything, has been known about since records began - although Man has labelled it under many names. The Collective Consciousness is a vast store house of information from every source imaginable - and has recorded things since before the universe existed. If you believe in heaven, this is what this Collective Consciousness is also known as. It is where all things come from, and return to when their time is over. This is the conscious creating force that man has called God and Allah for so many millennia. It is 'the Father' (the creator, the source), 'the Son' (clay, objects, life-forms), and the 'Holy Spirit' (the divine spark, love, and the life force) all rolled into one. God is not a Man but a presence, a creator, and a provider of life. This is what philosophers have been trying to say for thousands of years. If it were possible for 'God' to exist as a physical shape, he would know all the knowledge of the universe, would be able to speak in any tongue, would be able to grant life, would be able to transmute 'matter' from one form into another. Woah, hold on. Isn't that what the Son of God, Jesus the Nazerath, did all those years ago? Why yes! He realised after all those days in the desert that he was the Son of God - just as we all are. And that by letting God (Vital Energy) flow in abundance, he could channel it, and tap into the Collective Consciousness already flowing through him and at the core of his being. Since then, others have been able to tap into, and realise, the potential of Vital Energy in the same way, and have labelled themselves 'Enlightened'. The path towards accepting this process is long and hard; involving complete Acceptance and Surrender, and to overcome the hindrances which prevent its flow - all forms of Desire and Aversion (greed/lust/wrath etc). But hey! Hold on partner, you're not ready to know about all that lofty stuff right now. You will have to find your own road there!

We've discovered that everything we see contains, and is, pulsating pure vital energy - the planet, space, the universe, Everything!. It flows though everything and invisibly connects everything together. It is a conscious life force as it connects and binds all life. It cannot be destroyed; and just like a solid element can be transmuted into a liquid or a gas, the same energy passes from one creation onto the next. It is the essence of existence as we know it. It is God. It is Love. It is Healing. It is Life. Many 'spiritual' arts revolve around the use and manipulation of Vital Energy; from Magic to Mediumship, to Healing and beyond - and then a basic understanding of this subject will serve you well in your explorations.

Many congratulations to all those who've reached the end of these notes in one piece. Top marks if you've understood it all. I don't expect you to take on this view whole-heartedly. In truth, I'd be much gladder if you didn't. Only by weighing and considering, and finding your own truth within your own research, would I expect any of this information to be of any real value. Don't take my word for it!! Philosophers, scientists, physicists, meta-physicists, quantum-physicists, mystics, gurus, healers and enlightened beings all over the world will be able to tell you more, - and everybody will have a different point of view on the same subject. Be sceptical! Scepticism makes a wiser Man than the fool who accepts blindly. So discover and delve deep before you decide. Maybe with time you may collect enough evidence to change your mind.

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last update 03.09.03