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Assessing Progress

A good step to increasing motivation is to show off your results regularly. As described in the Know Your Body section, it is a good idea to look at yourself closely before or at the beginning of your training period. This will show you which parts of the body are growing, which receding and which parts you want to grow more. The next part of this is to measure yourself in all the places which you think will grow bigger or slim, for example, around the arms when straight / flexed, around the waist when breathing out, the neck, the thighs etc. A photograph of yourself semi-naked also helps as you can compare it with more recent photos as you take them.

Keep all photos and measurements on some kind of log so you can easily access the results. As you progress with your chosen course you should repeat this procedure every 2 or 3 months and write your measurements down. A table or series of graphs can illustrate your size changes even more and you may surprise yourself.

Other aspects involve other types of measurement. If you keep an up-to-date log book of your achieved reps, you can see if you are indeed lifting more than you did a month ago, even if you don't feel any different. Weigh yourself every week, especially if you need to keep an eye on your weight as Endomorphs do. If you are trying to loose weight you can make a fair guess of your progress in this way, although you will need to remember that you should be gaining muscle as well as loosing weight and muscles weighs more than fat! Do not weigh more than once a week as daily changes in weight are unimportant.

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