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It is essential to warm up the body before you begin your routine. Here are a few warmup exercises you can try depending on the parts of the body you intend to exercise during the workout. Don't try to work though them all and remember NOT to 'bounce'. See Warmup.

 1 DEEP KNEE BENDS:   Starting from a standing position, lift up your feet so you are standing on your toes.  Lift the arms so they are outstretched in front of you. This will help keep your balance.  Now bend your knees and lower your body until you are almost sitting on your heels.  Use you knee and leg muscles tobring you back to the tiptoe standing position.  You may also
want to let your arms return to hang at your sides when returning to an upright position.  Breath in as you lower your body, out as you rise.  Recommended for: Thighs, knees, ankles

2 STRIDER STRETCH: Stand with feet slightly apart. Slowly raise one leg out to the side as far as it will go. Hold the stretch for 5 seconds and then return to a standing position. Do the same with either the same leg or the alternate one. Breath in as you contract the leg, out you extend it. Recommended for: Thighs, hamstrings, glutes, groin

3 HAMSTRING STRETCH: Sit on the floor and stretch your legs out in front of you. Bend your whole body forward with your arms outstretched and touch your toes. If you can't reach your toes, hold your ankles instead. Hold in this position until you begin to feel the burn or hold for 5-10 seconds. Breath in as return to the sitting position, out as you perform the stretch. Recommended for: Lower back, arms, legs

4 INNER THIGH STRETCH: Sit on the floor with your legs together. Lean forward as far as you can go and hold it. You should be able to feel the inner thighs stretching. Hold for 5 seconds and return. Breath in as you sit upright, out as you lean. Recommended for: Inner thighs, lower back.

5 QUAD STRETCH: Stand with feet normal distance apart. Slowly take one leg behind you and stretch it as far back as you can. You can stand on the tiptoes of your outstretched leg if you need more balance. Hold it for 5-10 seconds and return. Breath in as you return, out as you stretch. Recommended for: Upper thighs

6 SIDE BENDS: Stand with feet together and arms by your sides. Keeping your legs straight and without twisting your body, bend your trunk to the right as far as you can go. Let your right arm slide down your leg as you bend and try to reach as far down as possible. Turn your head to the right as well so you are looking at the floor. Hold stretch for 5-10 seconds and return. Then do the same to the opposite side. Breath in as you return, out as you stretch. Recommended for: Hips, traps, oblique abs

7 FLOOR TOUCHING: Stand with feet apart and raise the arms above your head and back. Stretch up/back as far as your can and hold for 5 seconds. Then breath in deeply, lower your arms and bend your whole body forward to try and tough the floor. When bending, you must keep your legs straight. Hold your stretch for 5 seconds and raise again. Breath out as you raise you arms, in as you lower and bend your body, out again on the lower stretch and in on the raise. Recommended for: Back, abs, arms.

8 TRUNK TURNING: Stand with feet a comfortably wide distance apart. Stretch both arms out to each side of you, level with your shoulders. Keep your hips as straight as you can and turn the whole of your body to the right, arms outstretched. Turn your head and look to your right rear. This will give your body an extra twist to the right. Hold this turn for 5-10 seconds and slowly return. Do the same in the other direction. Breath in as you return, out as you turn. Recommended for: Lower back, neck, abs, shoulders.

9 HEAD CIRCLING: Stand straight with arms by your side and feet together. Lower the head forwards as arm as you can so your chin touches your upper body. Rotate the head around, maintaining the stretch, over to your right shoulder. Then tilt your head back and rotate it around your upper back until you arrive at your left shoulder. Complete the exercise by rotating back to the forward position. Maintain the stretch as much as possible and never rotate too fast. Complete 5 clockwise and 5 anti- clockwise rotations. Eyes can be closed for concentration. Breath slowly. Recommended for: Neck

10 TOUCHING ALTERNATE TOES: Stand with feet a comfortably wide distance apart and arms above your head. Bend you whole body forwards while keeping your legs straight. As you do so, take your right arm from behind your head and bring in down in front of you to touch the end of your left foot. If you can't reach the end, take hold of your ankle instead. Hold this position for 5 seconds and raise your body back up the upright position. Then repeat this process with your left arm and you right foot. Breath in as you return upright, out as you bend and stretch. Recommended for: Back, abs, arms, traps

11 SWINGING: Stand upright in a relaxed position. Tint your head and shoulders slightly back. Bring your arms in front of you and cross them at the wrists. Swing you right arm to the right and your left arm to the left side of you together. As you swing both arms past your shoulders try to aim them above and behind you. Also try to stretch both arms out as you raise them. Stop the raise then your elbows are the same height as your eye level and you cannot bring your arms any further backwards. Hold for 3 seconds and lower again, maintaining the stretch as you do so. Breath out as you begin the raise, in at the top and out again as you bring your arms down again. Recommended for: Shoulders, traps, arms

12 BACK EXERCISE: Kneel on the floor with your arms supporting your upper body and your body raised (so you are bending on 'all fours'). Raise you head and lower the back. Then lower the head and raise the back. Do not allow your back to lower itself too much or become hollow. Repeat the raise/lower motion 10 times. This exercise is mainly for repairing back injury. Recommended for: Back (injuries)

13 RELAXING: Stand with your legs slightly apart and your arms by your side. Let your limbs go as loose as you can and shake your right arm. Make sure the wrist is limp and your arm is as loose as possible. Do this for 10 seconds before repeating with the other arm and both legs. Recommended for: Most bodyparts

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