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How Do Muscles Grow?

Without going into too much detail, it is important to note just how muscle development is gained. The overall principle is quite simple considering its complex structure. When you exercise, for example as you lift weights, perform aerobics etc, you will break down muscle tissue in the body. The more you exercise the more tissue will be broken down. When you stop your activities, nature will attempt to rebuild the broken layers of tissue, but a little stronger than last time so the tissue doesn't break as easily. Over a period of continuous destroying and rebuilding, your muscle will grow and adapt to the strain you put on it. The skin will stretch and your body will gain size and strength.

The performance gain you get during the rebuild process will also largely depend on a number of things. Your body rebuilds using the food and oxygen you take in. As muscle fibre is essentially Protein, you will need this in your blood to rebuild it.  Carbohydrate gives the body the energy it needs to exercise in the first place.  And so on.  This is why it is important to eat correctly as this will dictate which building blocks are available to rebuild with. If you eat fatty foods, salty or largely sugary foods, these substances will the used  in the rebuilding process, and so will hinder your performance gains. On the other hand, high protein and high fibre diets will result in better overall gains. Oxygen is also important as it carries these minerals around the bloodstream, so it is recommended you take in fresh air as often as possible, for example by leaving your windows open at night.

Of course, there is a lot more to it than that. You must maintain a high calorie diet to stay healthy as health is one of the key elements. If you have poor health or develop disorders, this will upset your development efforts. Never expose yourself to unhealthy practices. Keep your home clean and free of dust mites and germs.  Wash the dog.  Wash the dishes.  And cut down or cut out alcohol, tobacco and fast food to bolster your immune system.

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