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A Healthy Eating Diet

Whether you decide to eat for health, to slim, or to gain muscle, a good diet is the best thing to promote a healthy body. All foods containing high levels of fat, sugar, and salt should be avoided, and all the healthy food groups should be provided to give you a balanced intake of energy and nutrients. Even if you don't consider yourself in need of muscle gain or a loss of fat, it is still important to eat correctly to improve your health, your energy levels and your ability to fight off disease.

If you are eating to slim, the energy gained from the food should be burned off with exercise to promote weight loss. Weight Trainers also need to watch their diet as the wrong foods can hinder the muscle building process. In this case, the amount of calories should be increased to compensate for the higher activity level, but instead of increasing the size of your main meals a selection of smaller snacks can be eaten between them - and so prevent the feeling of hunger. 

A good idea is to study a calorie chart and find all the foods you want to include within your diet. Try to make your meals as varied as possible to keep you interested and to prevent you from cheating! Never try to include your chosen items in every meal - such as a stew, broth or soup mix as this will lead to boredom with your diet and a craving for less health options. 

A simple seven day menu can be found below based on 1,200 calories per day and contains all the nutrients you need in a diet. Non-slimmers may wish to add a little more to this menu to give them the 2,000 calories normally recommended for daily consumption. Vegetarians should note that the diet is also mostly suitable for them, although you will need to substitute all meat products with vegetarian alternatives (pasta, rice, jacket potato). Extra advice for bodybuilders can also be found at the end.

If you can't eat lunch at home, you can prepare meals beforehand and take them out with you.

   TAKE OUT -  2oz/60g low-fat cheese
               2oz/60g brown bread roll
               Mixed salad
               2tsp low-fat mayonnaise
               1 orange

   TAKE OUT -  2oz/60g large bread roll and fill with
               Mixed salad
               2tsp low-fat salad cream
               Other product (shrimp, ham or egg)

This is a sample menu for just one week. Try to invent similar meals for a whole month to start you off, then mix up the meals you have tried already with new ones for subsequent months. If you like a number of meals you have chosen, try to include them frequently so you can look forward to them during the week. Many people include a 'break day' once a week where they can relax their eating habits a little. This day should be a Monday or Friday if possible so you can look forward to it over the weekend or though the week. Never use a Saturday or Sunday when you may be tempted to eat snacks during the day or over-eat in the evening. Try to be sensible - you don't want to undo all the hard work of the last 6 days by being greedy on day 7. Keep an accurate record of your weight and reward yourself a luxury if you have made good progress. For example, you may loose 6 or 7lb after a month of eating healthy meals, don't you deserve a cream cake or a bar of chocolate. Eating for health doesn't have to be all lettuce and tomatoes, just common sense.

Bodybuilders and weight trainers should also eat healthy foods such as these for best muscle growth. When a muscle is trying to grow, it will get its building material from the food in your body. A muscle built on fresh fruit and vegetables will grow strong, a muscle built on burgers and chips will grow fat! Because bodybuilders need more energy for their physical activities, they also need more food to make energy and an average bodybuilder should look towards a 3,000 to 5,000 calorie per day diet. To achieve this you can sense the diet above with snacks in the morning, afternoon and evening. Such snacks can include:

   1 sausage roll or small pie
   1 peanut butter sandwich using wholemeal bread
   2oz/60g cereal with 10fl oz/300ml milk
   2oz/60g ice cream with 2 shortbread biscuits
   1 slice fruit pie with 5fl oz/150ml milk
   6oz/180g rice pudding with 1 sliced pear
   2 slices of date and nut bread
   3oz/90g sardines on toast with 2tsp margarine
   2 oatcakes with 3oz/90g cream cheese
   2 digestive biscuits

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